Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Build New Skills

After a much needed night out at the rink watching the Ottawa Senators playing the Boston Bruins I feel energized. It really is important to stay connected to the things you're most  passionate about. My brother is in town for a month from Vancouver and will be helping me learn some new skills. After attending Queens University for Computer Science he's certainly never had to want for a job. A long discussion on a bus ride home from the hockey game and I'm all set to start learning some basic web development skills. These will be skills I can add to my resume and use to build a side income in times where work can be hard to come by in most fields of work.

In addition to this I've applied to volunteer with Ottawa Police Services and hopefully this will lead to a plethora of new learning opportunities. If accepted I'll have the chance to work closely with a potential future employer and learn much about their expectations of prospective employees. The main point of this blog of course is to encourage all job hunters out there to start volunteering and contributing. The more you get out and do the more people you get to meet. These people are going to help you build skills and build your resume. There is nothing worse than a large blank gap in a resume where a hiring manager can see the individual was clearly doing nothing. At that point it just looks like the job hunter wasn't even trying despite job hunting diligently. Getting out in the community and making an effort to contribute unpaid is key. So get out there and do it!

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